This program's guiding theory of change postulates that providing comprehensive, structured, and tailored support to underserved youth can substantially improve their prospects of obtaining a driver's permit and license. The theory is grounded on the premise that access to mobility is a crucial facet of independence, self-efficacy, and social inclusion, particularly among youth who are under-resourced. The pathway to change begins with marshaling essential resources, namely:

  • a well-structured driver's education curriculum,

  • access to relevant courses,

  • linkages with local driving schools,

  • partnerships with the Department of Public Safety (DPS),

  • competent instructors, and sufficient financial aid.

With these inputs, the program carries out activities designed to empower participants with the necessary knowledge, practical driving skills, and administrative readiness to navigate the licensing process. These activities include assisting with:

  • vision correction needs,

  • guiding participants through driver's education and safety courses,

  • supporting participants in scheduling and preparing for DPS appointments, coordinating driving practice sessions, and assisting with collecting and preparing necessary documentation.

The immediate outputs of these activities will be an increase in youth who are under-resourced completing necessary courses, scheduling and attending appointments with the DPS, and partaking in driving school practice sessions and tests.

In the short term, we expect an enhancement in participants' knowledge about driving rules and safety, increased hands-on driving skills, and readiness for DPS appointments. These outcomes should naturally progress into intermediate outcomes where participants successfully obtain their temporary learner’s permit, pass their driving test at the driving school, and schedule their DPS appointments for their driver's licenses.

The ultimate, long-term impact of this program, as hypothesized by this theory of change, is an increase in the number of youth who are under-resourced obtaining their driver's licenses. This achievement is expected to lead to enhanced self-confidence and independence among the participants, subsequently contributing to improved overall safety and competence of young drivers in the community.